I picked up this nice looking one owner 78 CB750F w/8,800 miles off of ebay motors last year for $1,250.00.. added new viton valve seals, cylinder and cam cover gaskets.. rebuilt and tuned the carbs and a new chain was added.. finally a new seat cover from saddleman.. I still had some petcock issues this year since you can't find any 78 supersport new replacement petcock's anywhere.. But I finally got a 78 K style to work with some simple fuel line re-routing..
 She now runs like a bitch'n new bike.. My plans this winter are to add on a mac exhaust system and new avon roadrider AM26 tires.. Plus I just picked up a extra rear cowling and seat section so I can hopefully also add on a new Corbin Supersport Gunfighter seat.. It's pretty spendy, but it's the best looking seat I've found out there for a 78 CB750F..
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1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
thank's much.. i'm really getting into these later and "last of" sohc 750 super-sport editions.. i'm keeping all my stock parts handy, just in case.. i just saw a fully stock 78 CB750F3 w/15,000 miles go for over $2500 on ebay a week ago.. and one in the uk ebay market went for $3,800, US dollars.. their actually just starting to become almost very collectable now.. so try and hang on to all your old stock parts.. your bike looks in really great shape for a 33 year old bike..
PS check out this new Super Sport 75-78 CB750F Corbin seat.. http://www.corbin.com/honda/h7507578f.shtml
From: "Piute n Judose [via Honda CB750'S]" <[hidden email]> To: "rblu0001" <[hidden email]> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 3:47:49 AM Subject: Re: an ebay motors find..
Hello like your bike  My bike is still stock on one side 
...........BOB'em,CAF'Em,CHOPP'em,lets just KEEP'em Alive.............. Wisconsin to Springfield,Mo. You seen my 10mm,damn always.......
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Like my corbin has a bad tear under by tank ,25.00 on "E" Don't plan to change mine much at all to hurt the collector value ,just paint and polish a bit,paid 250.00 was looking for about 5-6 months but kept missing them due to working on week-ends but grabed this 45 min from house been sitting since 05 so need the basic tunes has original front tire,just under 10K ,just got my carbs back in and made up a muff. according to your vid sounds about the same mostly but haven't road on open road yet,
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
we'll you got a really good buy.. my guess, it's probably still in need of a full carb rebuild and maybe some fine tuning.. that can be expensive.. a full 4 carb rebuild and full tune costs about $500.. but please remember never ever to run any of today's gas in it.. premium or not.. go only for the non-oxygenated gas.. it contains no ethanol.. it's known as collector's car fuel and it runs about 40 cents higher than premium.. these bikes were never designed to run on 10 to 15% ethanol.. everything gets all gummed up in your carbs.. and it breaks down three times faster even with adding some Sta-Bil additive.. you can check with your local car clubs to find places that offer it.. we'll get you on the open road yet..
From: "Piute n Judose [via Honda CB750'S]" <[hidden email]> To: "rblu0001" <[hidden email]> Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 4:35:28 AM Subject: Re: an ebay motors find..
Like my corbin has a bad tear under by tank ,25.00 on "E" Don't plan to change mine much at all to hurt the collector value ,just paint and polish a bit,paid 250.00 was looking for about 5-6 months but kept missing them due to working on week-ends but grabed this 45 min from house been sitting since 05 so need the basic tunes has original front tire,just under 10K ,just got my carbs back in and made up a muff. according to your vid sounds about the same mostly but haven't road on open road yet, Piute
...........BOB'em,CAF'Em,CHOPP'em,lets just KEEP'em Alive.............. Wisconsin to Springfield,Mo. You seen my 10mm,damn always.......
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I know everyone cries foul over Ethanol gas, but I've been running 10% Ethanol in my '79, since I bought it, back in 2006. My wife and I rode it 1,935 miles, circling Lake Superior, two up, fully loaded saddlebags and trunk, riding through rain for four days, in Canada. Never an issue. That trip was back in 2009. Today, it is running just fine. We've put 13,000 miles on it, all of it running 10% Ethanol gasoline through it. No additives, other than Sea Foam, for storage, in the Winter (living in tropical Minnesota).
There is non-oxygenated gasoline available, locally, at one pump, that I know of. It is a hassle to get to. Having run on 10% Ethanol for five years, without issue, my experience has been without issue.
My '93 Voyager specifically states within the owner's manual, to avoid Ethanol gasoline. I bought, and used, an additive my mechanic recommended, for a while. Then we loaded up for a 2k+ trip. I would have needed 12 bottles of the additive! We didn't have room on the bike for 12 bottles... We left without it, but the trip got cut short due to a family emergency. Still, we've run 10% Ethanol gasoline in that bike, since we got it two years ago. We've put around 4,000 miles on it so far. No fuel issues yet.
When the US Government introduced 10% Ethanol, they did so stating that at 10%, all engines could burn it without issue. So far, that has proven to be true, in my experience. YMMV.
Non-oxygenated gasoline is available, but it is limited to a few, select locations. It is not commonplace, at all. If you plan on riding outside your area (as in touring), I doubt you will be able, or willing, to locate strictly Ethanol-free gasoline pumps on your rides. Do what you feel is best, but until I see proof of its destructive powers, I won't waste my time.
By the way, the mileage on the non-oxygenated gasoline is better, so the higher price is offset by the improved mileage. The truth is that the only people benefiting by Ethanol gasoline, is the farmers selling their corn, and the government on their control-the-masses, mind trip. Economically, it is a bust, and a farce. Time to flush Congress.
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
Well said Sarge,on all counts.Stopped in Advance today just to get a tub of hand cleaner.Sales guy wanted me to buy some Seafoam for my 1966 Impala.I passed...again."Sure hate to see you rot out the gas tank of a classic like that,because you are not treating it for ethanol." ??? I have put over 35,000 miles on my '66 Impala since the ethanol hit the pumps.....nothing happened.It's just alcohol.Corn squeezin's.If anything,alcohol is LESS likely to varnish/gum up something than gasoline ever would.And i know it will not cause a tank to rust out.ITS ALCOHOL!!!NOT WATER OR ACID!!! It is amazing what scare tactics can produce in revenue.Guy in line behind me bought two cans after overhearing that remark from the clerk  I'm not here to argue with anyone,or to call anyone "Wrong" or "incorrect"...just think for yourself.And if you don't know what to think about something....find out the facts...for yourself. We have some race cars that run on 100% alcohol!!! We have never rusted out anything!!!It evaporates so damn fast that it will never gum up anything!!!You can spill it on your pants and the smell will be gone in 5 minutes.I will not preach opinion...i know these as facts from personal experience.Quit being so damn scared of a little splash of alcohol/ethanol in your tank and just admit the facts:
1:It hurts nothing..no rust...no gel...no demons
2:You MAY have to jet up SLIGHTY
3:Fuel mileage will suffer SLIGHTLY
4:Government lied...price at the pump did not lower...imagine that,huh?
5:Satan is not moving into your fuel system everytime you get gas..you do not need to "excorcise" the etanol with the newest product available. Just ride your bikes and enjoy life,that is what its all about. Have a nice day
sefoam is at best mildly dangerous, I ran it through my VW, but that damn thing has oil clocking issues and it needed to be done. I don't know that I would run that shit through my bike.
When I'm out riding Have run with whatever at the pump low or high oct. ,some time I find gas at boat docks cause I'm (on fuimes)out getting lost but stay near water,
Bike has to be tuned to run the ugly  I also use Sea foam for it's purpose of cleaning ,not as a octane boost
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
Anybody ever cleaned a cut with alcohol? How about disinfected your kitchen counter or bathroom with alcohol? Cleans pretty good,huh?.....
....think about it.
To much  Crown N Coke ,sure cleans out my system
(whiskey sh...s)
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
 Tools>  <Piute???
Yea. I have had to give drinking lessons before.  Really burns me up when some jerk pours out the last 3-4 oz of beer, and claims it was spit.  If your slobbering in your beer, you should not even be drinking.  TOOLS
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
<smiley image='smiley_angry.gif'/> enjoy my time to drink ,don't do it often enough ,any more and not much at all when riding,why I pack a bag, when lived in Kansas had state camp pass so just park and slept there .  Ain't no hole in my lip either  could use a beer  think all there is maybe b-rum
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
well, you've made some really good points.. on a rode trip it would be pretty hard to run only non-O fuel for any distance.. it would take some serious planning and not be practical at all.. i'd then be forced to run whatever fuel is available.. but i also live in Minnesota and i disagree about non-0 being easily available.. you might have drive a couple blocks extra.. but any ride time is my pleasure time.. check out the local Minnesota/Wisconsin msra street rod fuel list.. http://www.msra.com/NonOxygenatedFuel/NonOxySept2011.pdf .. not only do vintage collector cars but snowmobiles, boat motors and many atv's also call for using it..
i guess i can only speak for myself in that my 78 cb750f seems to start and run better and smoother when using it.. Plus it seems to be much more power responsive and hopefully it's also running just a bit cleaner.. four carbs in full synch can make for a bear of a job to rebuild.. i also know my 73, 380 sl benz definitely runs much smoother on it too.. the 73 benz runs pretty rough on any type of ethanol blend and it has just a slight hesitation in it's pickup.. not to mention that harsh Minnesota winter time blend.. what is it, like 15 or 20% ethanol..? yuck..!!
i guess i just consider it good insurance to use the best fuel available for any older vintage bike or collector car.. maybe i'm just a fool and paying extra for nothing, but i won't ride my bike without motorcycle insurance and i won't run my bike on anything but non-O fuel, if it's available.. if it works fine for you guys that's way cool.. but my mind say's otherwise about my equipment..
i do agree with you 100% about flushing out congress though.. i'm totally for that.. when i have to pay out 13.99 a pound for a decent weekend grilling steak, i quickly realize my income hasn't doubled over the last few years like my steak has.. and all because those corn prices seem to go up every year, even when the economy is still in the tank..
Russ, Minnesota
PS you say " When the US Government introduced 10% Ethanol, they did so stating that at 10%, all engines could burn it without issue. " i guess, i just still don't buy half of what this government tells me..
I know everyone cries foul over Ethanol gas, but I've been running 10% Ethanol in my '79, since I bought it, back in 2006. My wife and I rode it 1,935 miles, circling Lake Superior, two up, fully loaded saddlebags and trunk, riding through rain for four days, in Canada. Never an issue. That trip was back in 2009. Today, it is running just fine. We've put 13,000 miles on it, all of it running 10% Ethanol gasoline through it. No additives, other than Sea Foam, for storage, in the Winter (living in tropical Minnesota).
There is non-oxygenated gasoline available, locally, at one pump, that I know of. It is a hassle to get to. Having run on 10% Ethanol for five years, without issue, my experience has been without issue.
My '93 Voyager specifically states within the owner's manual, to avoid Ethanol gasoline. I bought, and used, an additive my mechanic recommended, for a while. Then we loaded up for a 2k+ trip. I would have needed 12 bottles of the additive! We didn't have room on the bike for 12 bottles... We left without it, but the trip got cut short due to a family emergency. Still, we've run 10% Ethanol gasoline in that bike, since we got it two years ago. We've put around 4,000 miles on it so far. No fuel issues yet.
When the US Government introduced 10% Ethanol, they did so stating that at 10%, all engines could burn it without issue. So far, that has proven to be true, in my experience. YMMV.
Non-oxygenated gasoline is available, but it is limited to a few, select locations. It is not commonplace, at all. If you plan on riding outside your area (as in touring), I doubt you will be able, or willing, to locate strictly Ethanol-free gasoline pumps on your rides. Do what you feel is best, but until I see proof of its destructive powers, I won't waste my time.
By the way, the mileage on the non-oxygenated gasoline is better, so the higher price is offset by the improved mileage. The truth is that the only people benefiting by Ethanol gasoline, is the farmers selling their corn, and the government on their control-the-masses, mind trip. Economically, it is a bust, and a farce. Time to flush Congress.