cb parts old 70s chopper, other odds and ends SE wi will ship

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cb parts old 70s chopper, other odds and ends SE wi will ship

i have a bunch of cb750 parts i am clearing out. old 72 chopper and a 76 .... also other honda yamaha and suzuki bikes. pics of parts collection at http://m1274.photobucket.com/profile/Classics2go3?pbauth=1_uLEBonVPfaLdh1h3YMYz2dtYFdpnKItHBFqZiiRjOWOpsZcn3ZcxEPHmboGw1KXW%2F2lOSEgVJmRddfdIPiXrzFWeFYZaTIL7GCLnHothdUBU9I%2BKxb2t4KcnvUZSYKpPMHtp30dJGtZ98PCnSIuaXsbp0C7ak9l1Wwsli6EPnHs%3D 

call or text 2six2two zero 66twofour one. Thanks, john.....and please share...in fall these relics go to scrap. trying to save what i can.