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cb750 nighthawk engine in a 1980 frame?

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cb750 nighthawk engine in a 1980 frame?

193 posts
Hey guys, I just got a crazy idea in my head and was wondering if anybody has done this or heard if it is possible or impossible (nothing impossible right??? ;)). Anyways I was wondering if a 1993-1996 cb750 nighthawk engine would fit in an older cb750 frame, like a 1980 cb750k frame? It would be cool, just because I like the advancements I've read about in the later model cb750 nighthawks such as the lifters are different that make it so no one has to adjust the valve (self adjusting?). Anyways, any ideas on this? Thanks!
1980 cb750k
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Re: cb750 nighthawk engine in a 1980 frame?

10054 posts
I don't know anything particular regarding the swap, but the Nighthawk has friendlier carburetors and is a more compact engine altogether. Smaller means it should fit easy enough.

What is the performance difference between the Nighthawk engine and the standard DOHC 750? I bet there's a bit of a weight savings, too.

Dang man, you've got me interested in this now.
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Re: cb750 nighthawk engine in a 1980 frame?

193 posts
One of the big things I like are the hydraulic valve adjusters. Which I've read make it a zero-maintenance system. That'd be nice. Plus it would just be fun to do something so different.
1980 cb750k
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Re: cb750 nighthawk engine in a 1980 frame?

10054 posts
Hydraulic valves are nice, but I wouldn't fret over that. Setting valves is about the easiest thing ever. Most high performance engines try to shy away from hydraulic valve lifter due to their heavy weight ( from being filled with oil) limiting rpm potential.

I need to research the Nighthawk engine. Is it a screamer or a cruiser, I don't know.