cheap vance and hines muffler suggestions

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cheap vance and hines muffler suggestions

duluth dog
hey all i found a really cheap muffler from vance & hines.  it looks really nice, narrow and simple, but im not sure what it will be like.  anyone else have this exhaust pipe that could tell me about it?  another question this  muffler, if you call it that, is un-baffled, now i know that baffles are used to quiet the exhaust, but do they affect back pressure much?  id like to have my bike loud but ill put performance before sound.  and if it would be good to have a baffles do you think i could just install one onto this pipe, and if so anyone have suggestions?

oil stained brain
peace and grease
it doesn't leak oil, it sweats horsepower
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Re: cheap vance and hines muffler suggestions

Thats really strange. That looks identical to the muffler on my bike. Tab location is totally different though. Mine is a 4-1 system and the tab on my muffler is right by the pass foot peg mount,which is nearly at the tip of the muffler. Makes the one in your pic seem like it might be real long?

Kinda odd that they would sell that muffler as just an empty can.  My muffler isn't baffled either since it's actually packed with fiberglass for muffling,but I'm not sure what to think about that ad. Are they advertising that its a 'glass-packed muffler rather than a baffled one? Or are they making clear that it's only a pipe with no muffling abilities at all? I dunno. But I will say that I'm super happy with the quality of the chrome on my V&H. Super thick and shiny looking. The pipes are very sturdy and well made too.
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Re: cheap vance and hines muffler suggestions

duluth dog
You can follow the link for yhe website, I included it in the original post, bit it doesn't have much info for it.  It doesn't specify if its glasspacked or not, it just says "un-baffled"
oil stained brain
peace and grease
it doesn't leak oil, it sweats horsepower
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Re: cheap vance and hines muffler suggestions

Yeah, it's kind of a vague description. I have ridden a SOHC with absolutely no muffler before. It is annoying loud! It's really fun for a couple miles,but then it wears on you.

If this piece will work for you maybe you can install your own baffle and take it in and out as wanted. That's the biggest thing I miss about my old SS- taking the baffle out when I felt like making some noise.
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Re: cheap vance and hines muffler suggestions

duluth dog
Any suggestions for what kind of baffle to get? I've seen sone tubes with glass packed around and some that look like metal pucks with holes drilled in.
oil stained brain
peace and grease
it doesn't leak oil, it sweats horsepower
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Re: cheap vance and hines muffler suggestions

Personally, I prefer glass pack. Seems to produce a smoother,softer sound IMO. My chopper had metal baffles and the sound was kinda rough.
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Re: cheap vance and hines muffler suggestions

In reply to this post by duluth dog
There are a lot of metal baffles available, which could be inserted into that muffler.  All baffles can be wrapped with fiberglass matting, to further reduce their sound output (use either metal zip-ties, or fiberglass wood-burning stove-pipe rope to secure the matting in place).  Search the Internet for these topics:  muffler baffling, muffler fiberglass, etc.

With regards to back-pressure, and whether this affects the carburetion, that is a weird subject.   Some folks claim re-jetting is required, some say it has no effect, and re-jetting is a bald lie.  Don't know the truth, myself.  Good luck with the research and self-educating from the Internet.  Cheers!
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