Ran into some issues with my cylinder head, a few stripped threads (including a plug thread) and a bolt snapped in the old head...so I got a same year replacement cylinder head (1973) and a top end gasket kit.
I finally received the "new" head in the mail and its in pretty good shape but I this is my first time getting into the internals of this engine (or any engine for that matter) so i want to make sure i do this right.
It looks like it needs some cleaning, but I'm just looking for general tips or procedures someone more experienced would go through if they were in my position. The steps im about to take: take my old cylinder head apart, then off, clean the parts im going to reuse (rocker assembly, nuts and bolts as long as they are in good condition), after preparing the "new" head, put it on and reassemble (+gaskets).
Here are some pictures of the "new" cylinder head I got.

It appears that one of the rockers that controls the exhaust flow is stuck slightly (as seen in the picture above) and im not sure if thats an issue and if it is, if its one that i can fix through cleaning.
I would appreciate any advice anyone can give me on the matter, thanks!