for sale :3 piece set Honda line luggage 79

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for sale :3 piece set Honda line luggage 79

Walt Williams
This came off a 79 10th ann L .  3 piece set with all the  mounting hardware in good shape with some minor rust spots that cleaned up well . the luggage itself  looks very nice  on the out side, the insides looks aged do to the bike stored in a damp garage most likely, the locks and keys all work fine. Over all for a original set I would give it a 7.  Photo's on request , asking 250  you pay shipping.  

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Re: for sale :3 piece set Honda line luggage 79

Do you still have this set.?  I am very interested.  Thanks, Matt
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Re: for sale :3 piece set Honda line luggage 79

In reply to this post by Walt Williams
still have?  thanks, jp