Before grinding a groover in the control housing consider this.
If you ever want to go back to original or close to original your going to want those control boxes to look the best they can.
with that said, here is what i did.
I bought some clubmans from carpy's cb750 site. He has great customer service and gave me a few useful tips, and a hot chick poster that was signed. anyhow
Disconnect the wires that are ran in the handlebars at the wire housing below the steering column. Disconnect all the controls, throttle, clutch cable, from the handlebars. Pull the handlebars away from the bike. You'll now have the old handlebars, two sets of heat shrunk wires running out the base of the handlebars and both black boxes with the controls in them.
Get a lot of WD40 and grease the hell out of both ends of the bars and start working with them feeding from one end pulling lightly from the other. although a pain in the arse, its worth it.
You've just finished the worst part.
Take a 3/4"(i think) drill bit and drill at the point on the clubmans where they make the sharp angle back towards the tree's. So ideally you'll have the two heat shrunk black wires coming out of your new clubmans heading in the same direction the old wires went, right down besides the speedo and tac area.
It looks super clean and you can trim the wires shorter if you feel so that the wire housing box below the steering column isnt too packed. good luck