hillborn injection! woah!

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hillborn injection! woah!

pat english
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Re: hillborn injection! woah!

It's in Ajax, ON. Interesting, I used to live in that area.

Is it any better than putting on a modern FI system? For that price I figure you have to be in the range of something modern as well.
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals

My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.

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Re: hillborn injection! woah!

A modern EFI system would tear any old MFi system a new one. But it's old skool kool!

The engine driven pump alone robs HP(parasitic loss) whereas the modern stuff all runs of en electric fuel pump.That require a stout charging system,which is a parasitic loss in itself,but it's not nearly the drag one of those old pumps would create. Most likely,this Hilborn setup is aimed more at alcohol or nitro fuels. Somewhere there's probably an old top fuel bike that didn't make it down the return road

If I had a spare grand that would be mine.Tuning horrors and all. Thats some sexy machinery right yonder...