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rear master cylinder

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rear master cylinder

6 posts
I am looking for a rear master cylinder for a 79 Honda cb750f and I cant seem to find one does anybody know where I could get one or know of another cylinder that could be used on this bike the bolt holes need to work
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Re: rear master cylinder

3494 posts
Do you need a whole master, or just a rebuild kit?
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Re: rear master cylinder

6 posts
I need the master cylinder itself the one I have was seized up and I was able to get it apart but the inside has a big scratch in it .
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Re: rear master cylinder

3494 posts
Well, you should look for a motorcycle salvage yard in your area. That is the best way to go.

Otherwise, ebay.
 Only 1 I found.

You also have 2 other options.

You can find a master from another bike and just fab a bracket to mount it. This probably wouldn't be too hard and would open up a wide range of masters. Something to consider.

Or you could attempt to fill the scratch with something resistant to brake fluid. A metal filler, jbweld might work. Then just smooth it out. If it doesn't work, not like you are out anything.

I would probably just get a rebuild kit and try that. Unless the scratch is REALLY deep, a rebuild might work just fine.

If you can, maybe get a pic of it and we can see the offending scratch.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!