hi everyone, have a 1995 cb 750 seems to be stuck in top gear wont go into any other one, was going ok today made a bit of a clunk now its stuck fast, bike will pull away but wont change gear. i fear the worst glad of any input, cheers john
It's possible the shifter mechanism just came loose and there's no actual failed parts. You'll just have to pop the shifter cover off and have a look. Wish I could help more, but you're gonna need visual inspection on this one.
It should be. Just remove your foot lever you use to shift gears and the cover it protrudes out of. There may be another cover behind that one,too. I'm really not 100% sure on a bike of that year.
If you end up taring up your gasket in the process don't be tempted to use RTV or any silicone sealant to put it back together. Just order a new gasket for it. Silicone is known to come loose and get lodged inside of tiny oiling passages.