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switch wiring change

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switch wiring change

69 posts
At different times Ive replaced both the left and right switch units on the handlebars of my 1972 CB750.

Whilst taking all care to purchase the right unit of ebay neither has been the correct fit.

The original switch units are designed to clamp onto the handlebars, with enough room for the wiring loom to not be pinched.  The wiring then runs externally to the handlebar.  The new units I have purchased are designed to clamp onto the handlbars, but do not have room for the wiring harness.  

It appears these parts were desined for the wiring harness to be run inside the handlebar.  Also they have positive earths, not negative earths and therfore require some re-wiring.

Was there a switch in the CB750 from external switch wiring to internal?  

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Re: switch wiring change

192 posts
Tim. Go to www.hdlparts.com Follow the instructions on the page, type in the the year of you Honda, scroll donw the menu until you come to handle bar and switches and see what the diagrams show with regard to your switches. This is a very valuable website that caters for all models of Hondas.