Re: Theme bikes

Posted by shinyribs on

HA HA HA HA You've met my Uncle,then!!!! I couldnt figure that one out.I was like "RUB"Russian Underground Bikers...?"   I was "noticing"  a very attractive,well dressed lady at a restaurant one day,and she could not keep her eyes off of this RUB that happened to pull in on a Victory.It all caught my attention because she was about 45-50 years old and the RUB was about 20ish.She finally approached him and started a conversation when he warned her:"Ma'am,you don't want to get involved with me...I'm an outlaw biker"   He actually said that to her!!!While wearing Ambercrombie! I could not help but laughing out loud!  Oh man,I had forgot all about that until now!   RUB   perfect name for those types