Re: What SONG goes threw your mind when your riding ??

Posted by shinyribs on

TOOLS1 wrote
Oh man "Golden Earring" Man, you are dating yourself.
Hey,the old stuff is the best! Now,if i was cruising to some Radar Love i would definitely end up getting pulled over for doing something stoopid. I love the old music. My Pops was in a couple different bands when i was a kid up so i practically grew up on CCR,Skynard,Marshal Tucker, Allman Bros and the rest of The Greats. Lets not forget Cheap Trick,Steely Dan and ARS ! I graduated high school ( 2nd person in my family to ever do so) in 1998...i was the only kid rockin' an eight track in the parking lot. Oh,I dont own a cd player for the house.I still listen to vinyl gotta lp in the entertainment center and a satellite radio in the '66 Pimpala keepin' it real

P.S. Pop music sucks-you can quote me on that