Re: K3 maybe a restoration, maybe a custom, i'm indecisive

Posted by bijna on

Oh the paint is staying original for sure. I love it and the faded/chipped paint on the gas tank reminds you that the bike is a running relic. The only painTimg I plan on doing is some of the vIsible frame and I might get a new left side cover and try to paint it fso cause mine has a little bit missing.

I think what I'll end up doing is just a mild customization by removing parts and storing them. Take off the fenders, the headlight ears and turn signals. Has anyone tried relocating the stock taillight to under the seat after you remove the back fender? I'm gonna leave the passenger bar? Not sure what that's called.

Does anyone know how to get these pipes off? They look like slip ons, but they have no ballasts to they're not really doing anything for me right? I'd rather run straight pipes cause its honestly probably quieter!

I also ordered some tires today. I think the one on the front is stock! I got Dunlop k70'front and back. I ordered rim strips with it. Do I need to order new tubes with it or can I reuse the ones in it?

My next step is carb cleaning/syncing. I'm a bit nervous as I've never done anything more with a carb than adjust idles and what not in cars. I do have a ultrasonic cleaner so that should make the cleaning a lot easier. I'm gonna build a manometer set up for the carb sync, cause I'm cheap.