Re: K3 maybe a restoration, maybe a custom, i'm indecisive

Posted by bijna on

Painted the "dash". I was gonna do the thing holding the speedo on the top of the triple trees, but I didn't feel like removing the hand controls to get it out, I'll just wait til I get new handlebars. Is there anywhere that sells the face? Like where it says Honda and neutral. I sanded it down with some 220 on my mouse sander and then taped it off and painted it with "rust reformer" to prevent it from bubbling. Then I went at it with some 000 steel wool and put a couple coats of epoxy "appliance" paint. It's really durable, looks great. I've done a lot of steel ford rims with it. Then hit it with a heat gun to speed up the set time and shined up with some 800 wet sandpaper. Comes out looking close enough to new for me. Probably going to do all black parts like this including frame. After I reinstalled my handlebars my front brake lost most of its pressure and stopping power. It also looks like it leaked some when it was upside down. Is this common with these old things or do y'all think it needs rebuilt? Gonna flush it tomorrow and see if that helps. Looks pretty gross anyways. Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos