Re: '78K to come later

Posted by shinyribs on

Long overdue progress today.

I took the caliper's to Eric's shop and got him to mill 2mm off the mounting ears for me. This cured the clearance issue with the spokes.

It's still close at 3mm of clearance. We'll see how this works.

Turned out the axle spacers,too. I got off on my measurements somewhere and ended up not getting the hub perfectly centered between the forks stanchions. I'm 0.010'' to the left. But I'm calling it good at ten thou. lol

And finally, one spoked rim mounted to GSXR front end. Just gotta sort out getting the rotors adapted next.

 I recently got motivated to work on this bike again and it feels good. The reason I lost my motivation is because of the oil tank. kinda got destroyed I had an avalanche of BBC parts land on it and demolish it. Totally bummed me out. Oh well, time to get over it and build another.