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shinyribs on
Darkside Build within a build Kickoff: There she is. $400 worth of leaky, V-twin goodness and probably worth every penny.

No title. The inspection sticker on the fork leg is from 1985. The story is the old man that bought this bike (pre 1985,I'm assuming) never did anything with it but throw a tarp over it. It's amazing how well it held up actually. When I picked it up everything was free: motor,clutch,both brakes and wheels-so I took a chance on the only know...that'll I'll ever be able to afford.
As of now the compression checked out at a scary 90 psi on the front cylinder and 60 on the rear.

But a wet test gave me a fast 125 psi on the front and about 10 revolutions gave me 115 on the rear. It may need rings,but I think it's worth going after. BTW,you oughta see this thing when you crank the starter over. It shakes the whole bike! It almost looks like it's gonna fall off the side stand

Oh yeah,the starter solenoid was boogered. The end was broke off of it. But since this thing actually has a bendix style starter (really?wow...) I couldn't just pop any old solenoid on there. A new one was $56 (not happening) so I found a solenoid rebuild kit for it.
The mighty bendix

Boo..bad solenoid

And of course the carburetor looked like...well,like it had been sitting under a tarp since 1985. All clean now and awaiting a kit.
Yay! Just one carb to do!


So as of now I have a solenoid rebuild kit,points and condenser and a carb kit on the way.
Oh,and the bike is a 1975 Sportster XLH. It's 1,000 cc and a 4 speed.
Annnd the tab:
Dark Side tabBike $400.