'81C in a barn, down the holler......
Posted by
motogrady on
URL: http://vintage-and-classic-hondas.81.s1.nabble.com/81C-in-a-barn-down-the-holler-tp4041297.html
The ad read, " 3 Hondas, a 354, a 754 and a 9004. $1,500 takes all 3."
Took a bit to compute, looked at the phone number and realized he was right in the area
we're planning a street ride in late July. Great area for riding. Out there. Pretty much just
ravines and mountain ridges.
Well, what the heck, it's a nice day, screw work, let's go.
Out the door the bike starts right up.
Battery has a fresh charge, tank is full, new oil and filter are in.
Yeah baby.
A quick look down before it goes in gear and........