Re: '81C in a barn, down the holler......
Posted by Manual on
Moto you are definitely a hardcore mechanic in comparison to me to take that hog on. I got a little squeamish when I saw that bare rotor and the carbs sitting off without them having been plugged.
It looks like a custom model but it is definitely a DOHC with that seat. I think the DOHC builds that I have seen that look sharp are ones with custom paint schemes and a single rider seat. I don't think the DOHC lines lend themselves well to the cafe look, but more to updated/original look.
I am fighting myself with this question on my bike but it is moot until I get the charging issue sorted, btu judging by that rotor being exposed you will likely have some of that fun too. I can't wait to see your build take off.
Would you mind telling me what style of handlebar you are using on your current ride? I like mine but I don't like sitting up so straight and I dont want to go as drastic as clubmans.