Re: '78K to come later
Posted by
shinyribs on
Shared a some intimate time with my clutch hub tonight.
Drilled the hub for increased oil flow. Allows the oil to drain away quicker. The clutch will both engage and disengage quicker this way. Smoother shifting and easier to find neutral. I did this to both of my other SOHC's. It does make a difference.
Stock oil drain holes.

Three per pocket,when viewed at this angle.

After drilling. You can see the pattern is a more continuous zig-zag than before. larger holes,too.

Six holes per pocket now.

Dents on the faces filed and sanded. Red arrows are dents from the clutch steel banging in to the hub. Blue arrow is a repaired hub facet. Green arrow is pointing to an extra gap in the dent pattern. More on that
HERE if you care to read. It's due to the double steel plate, which I fully intend to

And after glass bead blasting. Flat,smooth faces. All ready for smooth clutch action. The dents will cause the plates to get ''hung'' and the clutch won't want to disengage properly. This makes it like new again. Honestly, I did this to the WB and the chopper. It works. And it is worth the effort.

Almost too pretty to hide inside the cases.

I'm half tempted to hang it on the wall.