Been lurking forever...gotta share my project

I just rode this weekend, a lil around town, nothing major.
I've never ridden a motorcycle...probably 15 years since I was on a lil dirt bike...I'm learning how to ride on this old bike, and its INCREDIBLE!!!

So...these are my carbs!! Everybody has so many opinions on everything relating to carbs...
I didn't do anything but take the carbs off, pulled the tops and bottoms, carb cleaner, throw back together and back in....
Yup....put PODS on em, well they came with them... wouldn't start.... iridium plugs... still wouldn't run... before I noticed so many electrical tape jobs, which look cool...
I could tell they just needed restriction...BAAM! trusty bandana over the pods!!

Next hack rookie part...ha, my seat...this is a SKATE BOARD I had around my shop at work, instead of walking thru the warehouse :)
I cut one tail off....then the other...threw heavy ass door hinges on top hold the tail on..
Then a10$ memory foam entry mat from big lots...
Cut the foam and fake leather to fit the seat, adhesive spray and staples...
Couple holes in the frame, around the battery box, and 3 long bolts hold it on lifts on/off, front just under the tank,I should have took some flicks with it on, ha!

Might as well ask while I'm posting up today...
When I was out this weekend,I stopped by my uncle's and he was checking the charging system...said its not working!!
It was registering like low 11's on whatever volt meter thing he had...
I got a brand new battery and for now I'm hoping I can get her back and forth to work (30 mins) and just putting around learning the ropes! Anybody know how long you can cruise on a battery?! Ha!
I rode at least 30 mins and she didn't seem like she was gonna die when I made it home..
Almost positive it's the stator and rotor..or wheel/stator, whatever... couple hundred bucks, new and some hours work with my uncle...
Thanks for looking bro's...gonna take the first attempt across town to work tmw...
I'll never stop riding, worked on this bike about a year doing tons of this I SHOULD have documented with pics..
Learning to ride this bike is rad, except for killing it in first a few times, shifting, stopping, corners and giving it Hell top go from 0 mph to 50mph is natural...
Yup I wear a helmet, ha!
Later everyone, thanks again for checking my rookie work out...
78 cb750k
first bike! adrenaline junkie...
Columbus Ohio
guitars,graffiti and gears!!!