Did you replace any of the float needles? How about clean the seats? There are only 3 reasons for leaking bowls.
1: most common is the float needle not seating. Either the needle is bad or the seat is dirty.
2: second most common is the float is still not sitting right. Either still not set right, or the float has a crack in it and so does not float properly.
3: The brass tube is cracked. This is very hard to see so the best way to check is to remove the bowl and fill it with gas and see if it leaks.
4: I guess there could be 4, the drain screw is not sealing.
A shop tach is not expensive, $30 clams or so. Hook it up and see what it reads. You will need this anyways for proper tuning of your idle mix. If you still have points, you can get a dwell meter with tach function. This gives the absolute best points setting and an accurate tach.
You likely have an air leak. Either the boots are dry, cracked or otherwise not sealing, OR the other thing many overlook, the straps have stretched out and are not tightening properly.
Being higher altitude, you may need smaller jets. Before you spend the cash on those, try to get it tuned first. You may just save yourself money and time. Without knowing where it was bought, it may already have the right jets for your altitude.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!