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1974 CB 750 front brake sticking.

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1974 CB 750 front brake sticking.

38 posts
I have a 74 CB 750. I just put it back together as I had some parts re-cromed. After bleeding my front
brake and adjusting the caliper the front brake sticks. The master cylinder pumped up fine and since there was no fluid in it for a few months I had to bleed off the air. The front wheel would turn fine, and when I
applied the brake it would grab. But when I released the lever the front brake was dragging. I am only the second owner of this bike which has just over 20K on it. In the past I replaced the caliper piston and seal along with rebuilding the master which had started to leak. The bore in the caliper had looked good, but the original piston was pitted so I bought a new one. They are not cheap $105.00. Since I did that I have put about 5,000 on the bike. When I turned out the adjustment screw (The large flat tip one) I noticed after
applying the brake that the mount for the caliper seems to not pivot out against the screw? I sprayed some dry lube on the pivot point but that did not cure the sticking brake. Any ideas? Thanks much

Rick in Lincoln, CA USA
I can see November from my house