1974 cb 750

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1974 cb 750

pat english
just got this bike.ran perfect.but i didnt like the "rat bike" look the previous owner was goin for,so i decided to start taking it apart and painting and cleaning thing up a bit.
so first thing i did was got the tank and headlight bucket off.did the body work and prepd it for paint.
ill have some more currant pics tomorrow.i shot a 72 caddilac gold firemist base coat,then a crap load of gold and silver flake on top of that.it looks really nice.just gotta wet sand,clear,wet sand ,clear,wet sand and buff and itll be done.should be this friday or saterday.
i didnt like how the clip ons bumped dents into the side of the tank,so i decided to order a set of clubmans.they should be here by the weekend.i also orderd a new set of fork tube boots.gotta swing by the dealership and pick the up tomorrow.(so hers where youre guna think im crazy.)
i had to take the fornt end apart cuz the boots go under the lower tripple tree.so here we are:
so if my boots arive on time tomorrow,i might be able to get it back together.wednesdays are pretty busy for me cuz i work during the day and at night.but im guna try to at least ge the front end back on tomorrow during my brake(6 hour brake)and the thursday and friday will be wireing it and hooking everything back up.(hope i can remember which wire go where)
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Re: 1974 cb 750

pat english
let me know if you can see the pics.ill try to another route when posting pics next time that way they pop up on the thread.is there a way to edit my post?
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Re: 1974 cb 750

pat english
In reply to this post by pat english
pat english wrote
just got this bike.ran perfect.but i didnt like the "rat bike" look the previous owner was goin for,so i decided to start taking it apart and painting and cleaning thing up a bit.
so first thing i did was got the tank and headlight bucket off.did the body work and prepd it for paint.
ill have some more currant pics tomorrow.i shot a 72 caddilac gold firemist base coat,then a crap load of gold and silver flake on top of that.it looks really nice.just gotta wet sand,clear,wet sand ,clear,wet sand and buff and itll be done.should be this friday or saterday.
i didnt like how the clip ons bumped dents into the side of the tank,so i decided to order a set of clubmans.they should be here by the weekend.i also orderd a new set of fork tube boots.gotta swing by the dealership and pick the up tomorrow.(so hers where youre guna think im crazy.)
i had to take the fornt end apart cuz the boots go under the lower tripple tree.so here we are:
so if my boots arive on time tomorrow,i might be able to get it back together.wednesdays are pretty busy for me cuz i work during the day and at night.but im guna try to at least ge the front end back on tomorrow during my brake(6 hour brake)and the thursday and friday will be wireing it and hooking everything back up.(hope i can remember which wire go where)
if you just click the photo bucket link you should be able to see my pics