1976 Brakes vs 1979 brakes?

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1976 Brakes vs 1979 brakes?

I'm restoring a 1976 CB750f as a winter project. The bike has probably sat for the last 10 years or close to that. 18K miles. So I want to do all the long-term maintenace stuff to make sure it ends up a reliable, safe machine.

Scouting for rebuild-type parts, I don't see any caliper rebuild kit available for 1976. Nor any rear master cyl rebuild kit. Not good.

I have access to a 79 cb750f  for parts. Mostly, this is useless since so much had changed between models. But I see that its rebuild kits are commonly available. Anyone know if it is possible to move the 79 calipers and cylinders onto the 76?

-Don M.

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Re: 1976 Brakes vs 1979 brakes?

Calipers are completely different.
Here is the front: http://www.partsnmore.com/parts/honda/cb750f/?filters[category]=chassis&filters[fitting]=custom&filters[year]=1976
Another spot, more expensive but the quality is good. http://www.davidsilverspares.co.uk/CB750F1-%28Single-overhead-cam%29/     with front and rear.
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Re: 1976 Brakes vs 1979 brakes?

Thanks. That UK site is a good one for obscure stuff. They are the on;ly place I have seen that has caliper parts. The other link youi sent only had master cylinder stuff, unless I missed something...
--Don M.