1979 honda cb750

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1979 honda cb750

I just accired a 10th annv. edition. It has sat for about 18 years indoors. I am hoping to restore it. The crank will not turn so we put marval oil in the plug holes. Maybe it will break but.. My question is about how much $$ will I expect to get hit with if I take the engine to a shop to get it worked over? What is a fair price? pics to come
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Re: 1979 honda cb750

butcher3333 wrote
I just accired a 10th annv. edition. It has sat for about 18 years indoors. I am hoping to restore it. The crank will not turn so we put marval oil in the plug holes. Maybe it will break but.. My question is about how much $$ will I expect to get hit with if I take the engine to a shop to get it worked over? What is a fair price? pics to come
If you have to take it to a shop it will cost more than the bike is worth. Shops around here charge $79 per hour plus parts ain't cheap. If you can't break it loose it will be cheaper to buy a known good used engine.
If you want an NOS engine this guy on the DOHC Customs site had some for $795 but don't know if he still has them.
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Re: 1979 honda cb750

well then I guess it will be me and my repair manual haha
I will be here often thanks for the info!
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Re: 1979 honda cb750

Here is a link to the Honda service manual on the cb1100f.net site if you decide to rebuild it yourself.
Also check ebay and craigslist for used engines. Usually cheaper than rebuilding but of coarse you do gamble on condition.
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Re: 1979 honda cb750

Try spraing a ton of PB Blaster down the cylinders. I restored a 82 cb750k last year that had been sitting for 12 years. I soaked them for about a week and they were fine.

Other than that Ebay will be your best friend.
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Re: 1979 honda cb750

In reply to this post by Polymer-2
well to rebuild the carbs will cost you about 500 dollars not to include parts i kno ive done it goodluck
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Re: 1979 honda cb750

It is not going to be cheap and the shops around here do not guarantee anything on bikes older than the year 2000!