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1980 F center stand question - pic?

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1980 F center stand question - pic?

27 posts
Hello All -

When I got my bike last fall the center stand was off it and in a box.  Today I installed it (except the spring) and tried to see how it worked.  It did not seem to fit well, so much so that I think it might be that the wrong stand was given. Sure, the hollow axle fit, but I can't get the bike up on it.  Man is it heavy, seems to me it should be easier than that.  I almost pulled my back out using the luggage rack to pull up on and still no luck. Also, the step on the left side hits the pipe in an odd place, as if it is not wide enough.

Think I have the wrong stand? Can any please show me a pic of their 1980CB750F center stand?  Thank you!cstand.jpg
1980 CB750F Super Sport
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Re: 1980 F center stand question - pic?

Rick V
49 posts
The stand appears to be the correct one. The stop is hitting the muffler because it is an aftermarket exhaust. Most times the stand had to be removed with other exhaust systems to provide enough ground clearance when cornering or because the stand conflicted with the exhaust , which appears to be your problem.I hate to say it but one or the other has to go.
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Re: 1980 F center stand question - pic?

27 posts
Thank you.  guess I'll re-install the Yoshimura and see if that works.  Regards,
1980 CB750F Super Sport