I just picked up a 1975 honda cb750. There is no electric power to the dashboard lights. Nothing works. The fuses were checked and replaced, the starter solenoid was jumped with a screwdriver and the engine turns over but there does not appear to be power to the handlebar switches, lights, horn, etc.. The former owner told me it the motorcycle just stopped working so he stopped using it 15 years ago. He thought it was the starter motor safety unit. Would this part prevent power to the ignition switch and handlebar switches? thanks
I'm not sure on the 75 but 79-82 have a fuse on the side of the starter solenoid.
Remove the harness plug and the little door on the side should open and the fuse is inside.
thanks but there is no fuse on the starter solenoid
In that case start with the red wire at the battery and trace it through the main fuse then to the ignition switch and see if there is power there. If not try to find where it is lost.