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1982 CB750F electrical placement of parts

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1982 CB750F electrical placement of parts

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Hello All
My problem is . I disassembled bike completely in May 2015 , Im now ready to put together. I have motor in carburettors on air box on and now for the electrical parts and battery holder. I cannot work out the correct placement of part for thing to go together. A photo of where everything is supposed to be is all I need. Where they fit around the battery frame.     Any help greatly appreciated Thank you       Terry  
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Re: 1982 CB750F electrical placement of parts

3494 posts
Most of the wiring ran along the left side of the bike. Seeing as how the regulator and rectifier are on that side, it makes sense. So you will have the rats nest in the headlight. It will come out and run to the left side(as if you were sitting on the bike)of the spine, under the tank. You will also have the wiring for the handlebar, but that's easy to figure out.

Best way I could say to do it is to get the headlight, bars, and signal lights laid out. From there, finish the rest. You don't have to follow a set path, just keep the wires away from abrasion/cut points and protected from rocks and such. After that, you can pretty much do what you want.
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