Although I was very happy with RSD clip ons on my Sporty, I decided to go with clubmans on my CB750K.
I'm already rethinking that decision as the top yoke on the tree interferes somewhat with how I can position them. The reason for not going with clip ons again? I want to take the headlight "ears" from one of my CB500T's and put them on the 750, as it came with no headlight. So clip ons wouldn't work.
At any rate, I can't simply put my controls on the new bars because of the little locating nubs. There are obviously no corresponding holes in my new bars. (would've has the same problem with clip ons)
I certainly don't want to try drilling holes in the bars in the exact spot I need them. That's just asking for frustration. So, do I simply grind these nubs off, or remove the whole nub piece? They slide out easily enough. I have a feeling the pieces help secure the wiring somewhat, and probably help keep water out. I'd be interested in what the majority has done.

I put the "G" in Jihad.