 Just a quick photo drop. I will update the build thread when I have a little more time.
Welcome, Jack. What kind of build do you have in mind? Inquiring minds want to know...  Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
oops, I didnt mean to put such gigantic photos up. As soon as I figure out how to take them down, I will repost. NOOB ALERT
I bought the motorcycle two years ago, it had been sitting for about 10 years before that. Over the past couple years I have been working on it, bit by bit. I got her running, and shortly after ran into all sorts of electrical problems. I replaced the regulator, the cdi units, the battery, spark plugs and recently changed the pick up coils.
The carbs have been taken apart and cleaned three times, last night being the third. She wouldnt idle with the choke off. Thanks to the awesome pool of knowledge on this forum, I was able to find out what the problem was and cleaned out all the jets again just for good measure. Put everythig back together, and now she idles nice. Sitting at 1000rpm choke off.
I had intentions of doing a cafe style bike, but I am now thinking about trying to keep the stock look. Eventually update the rear swing arm and front forks with modern technology. Changing all the brake lines with steel braided lines, updated suspension, and tires, change the mufflers(but keep the 4 into 2 exhaust)
I like the look of the bike and want to try and go a little bit of a different route. Vintage look, modern technology.
A list of what I have done so far; rebuilt calipers with new seals and pistons, new pads front and rear, new tires, relined gas tank, new petcock, new front brake master cylinder, new throttle cables, new grips, daytona style handle bars, bar end mirriors, battery, repainted the gas tank (on my own, as you can probably tell by the super detailed photos above), replaced the choke cable, replace practically the entire ignition system, and that is about all that is coming to mind right now.
I want to get her done and on the road soon. I feel that I am pretty close. A few more cosmetic touch ups and I feel like I should be good to go.
I installed Progressive Fork Springs, and 12 Series Rear Shocks on my '79 CB750K: it rode like a modern bike -- amazing!!! I liked it so much, I installed them on my '93 Voyager (had OEM air-assisted front/rear suspension -- sucked, bad, PITA to adjust/maintain), all golden now, for not a lot of money. Go with standard springs -- not HD, as they are super-stiff. Just a suggestion. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
I got a line on a cbr600 front end. I need to do some reasearch to see if they will fit, and how much, if any modifications I will have to do to make everything fit. Not sure if I need the calipers/rotors as well from the cbr to make everything fit together properly. I am guessing I would need the front rim and tire as well.
For now, re-shaped and re-covering the stock seat. When I have photos, I will post before and afters.
Jack wrote
I got a line on a cbr600 front end. I need to do some reasearch to see if they will fit, and how much, if any modifications I will have to do to make everything fit.
I'm running a front end off of an F2 right now. Front end will bolt right on with a special set of tapered bearings from allballs. Check out my build thread for pics and let me know if you've got any questions.
Also, just a note of caution, if you get an F3 or newer front end, you'll lose your mechanical speedo.
Any front end can go on any bike with a stem swap. If the bearing conversion avenue doesn't pan out you can always go the stem swap route.
BTW,y'all are killing me with all these DOHC F models!! I cannot find one anywhere around me!!!
I like what you're doing Jack. I also will want to change front end and rear shocks.
CBR was my option as well but I am ignorant on what modification will be necessary. Will closely follow your path if you don't mind.