SeaFoam will remove
minor varnish deposits in the fuel system... I add it around once per month in the riding season, to absorb water, dissolve varnish build-up, and to just keep it running smoothly. I also top off the fuel tank with gas, then add the correct amount of
SeaFoam to the fuel, for Winter storage. Bike runs great, come Spring! Will preserve gasoline for up to 12 months, after that, it turns to varnishy goo.

It can also be added to the crankcase oil: dissolves varnish, carbon deposits, absorbs water, and just plain cleans out transmission, as well as the engine. After adding it (directions on the can), run the engine for five minutes (either a short trip, or run it on the center stand, shifting through all five gears, idling. This will thoroughly flush out the entire engine, as well as the transmission. Then change both the filter, and the oil, which will likely have turned coal black with deposits. You won't need to do this flush again, for 20,000-50,000 miles, if using modern SM oils; if you use type SF, or something of that vintage, it will leave deposits and sludge in the engine/transmission much sooner. Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII