79 750K no electrics at all.

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79 750K no electrics at all.

Ok here's the deal.  Was working on the controls and around the ignition.  Key was in and then my key ring touched the fuses?  OK...guit laughing, should have had the cover on.  But, now I have no electrics at all.  The middle fuse fried, replaced it but nothing.  Is there another inline fuse somewhere or suggestions of where to start?  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: 79 750K no electrics at all.

there is a fuse on the left side of the battery under the side cover. Its not a normal fuse but an open air metal strip
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Re: 79 750K no electrics at all.

In reply to this post by irace2win41
Thanks, I'll try that this afternoon.  My hands are full working on the 750K and restoring a 83 XR350R.
