This post was updated on .
 My 79 750K. I've had it for 3 years now. Just turned over 20K miles today. Only thing not stock is the seat cover and exhaust. Put new tires on it when I purchases it. Wish it wasn't so $$$$$ for some new stock pipes.
Beautiful bike.If I ever get a DOHC I only want one that color. I think it is just perfect on those bikes
Thanks! It is a very clean bike. I'm a little bias with the color too. . I had a 78 750F just about the same color.
Really nice. I've got the same bike. Mine doesn't look as good though. It's only got 16K miles on it but I guess it had a hard life.
89 VN 750A - Given to son-in-law
79 CB 750K-sold 3 May 21
78 CB 750K
77 CB 750K
77 GL 1000 x 2
77 CB 550F
Holton, KS, US
Very nice.  TOOLS
Life is not about the number of breaths, you take, but the moments that take your breath away.
I don't have an anger problem. I have an idiot problem. Hank Hill
Never confuse education for intelligence.
Happiness is a belt fed weapon.
I just can't imagine what could go wrong.
No fire? No explosions? So whats the point of your story?
Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato
It couldn't be done, but the darn fool didn't know it, and did it anyway.
We all got problems. Ksharp
I like vintage bikes because they take me away from the clutter of technology that I work with everyday and back to a simpler time of mechanical elegance and simplicity.. "ninadm"
Darkwing Duck: The worst part of public transportation is the Public.
"That is awesome shit there" Re-Run
"Fear nothing, attack everything" Eric Berry
" Oh, you read that on the internet? Clearly it IS a massive problem. Of course it CAN’t be normal operation."
1976 CB 750-A X 2
1977 CB 750-A X 4
1977 CB 750-K
1976 CB 750 F
1981 CB 750
1966 Kawasaki SG 250
1981 KZ 750 LTD
1973 CB 350
1979 CM 185 Twinstar
1982 Honda XL 80
South of Eden (Kansas City MO)
We took our '79 on a 160-mile ride yesterday, two up. The bike ran flawlessly, in spite of 40 MPH cross-winds. At 33 years of age, time alone takes its toll on them. The fact that they still run, and run perfectly (assuming good maintenance), is quite a testimony of the quality Honda built into these bikes. If I had known that 1979 was the first year of the DOHC, I likely would have passed on my bike -- and that would have been a crying shame. We rode our's around Lake Superior, in 2009, two up. Those memories warm my cockles to this day, during our off seasons. Enjoy your ride. It is one of the very finest motorcycles ever made. And it happens to be one of the nicest examples of the classic, tear-drop design, ever made. The '79 is a 'classic' in so many ways... Cheers!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
sgtslag wrote
Those memories warm my cockles to this day
Who knew...
CocklesLuke M
Used to have a 1979 CB750L, sold it as a parts bike, now riding a slightly modified 1984 VT700C. Network/Field Engineer. Central OH, USA, Earth, Sol System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe.
I am SOOO glad someone else brought up the whole cockles thing. I really wanted to ask but didnt want to broadcast my ignorance  I just thought Sarge was going NSFW on us
LOL!... It's an old saying, from my now-distant youth, when something makes you smile, and warms your heart, we used to say, "it really warms our cockles." Sorry if I threw you into a tail-spin -- I guess it is a Tiny-sota cultural thing.  Shiny, your comments really made my day. Cheers, Mate!
1979 CB750K (sold, 2012, but not forgotten)
1983 Kawasaki 440 LTD Belt Drive (sold, 2011)
1993 Kawasaki Voyager XII
 I hope they had a pleasant effect on your cockles
Beautiful bike, really like the wire wheels. My dad has a UK spec one with alloy wheels in the same colour. He has had it from new and done 4000 miles. I have posted pics on here if you want to take a look ;-)
2009 Yamaha XVS950A
2005 Yamaha YZF-R1
1984 Honda CB750FD
1983 Suzuki GSX750S Katana
1981 Honda CB750KZ
1980 Honda CB250NA
Looks brand new. Nice
American by birth. Cowboy by choice!
Vero Beach, FL
I just had to show a picture of my work of polishing I did on the Starter cover and the carburators. (When I showed the wife she just rolled her eyes) sigh. . .
Real nice ,she rolled her eye's  Did she noticed you only did the outside one's,  I only painted my outside one's  ........gas is on
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,
No. . she knew I did all 4. The picture didn't show it very well. . . . .
Ooh,nice! That looks real good.I love polished things  I dont have a wife,but I still get the eye-roll from the gf  ...alot. It's kinda cute,though.I'm used to it.LOL
Roommate was outside with me last night while I cleaned the inside of the sprocket cover. She said "Nobody's going to see that you know...."
She just doesn't understand.
Turbos, Hondas, 4-bangers, what could go wrong?
 Shiny: [...] Considering the weather you've had to put up with I'd say you get an Iron Butt award and a Frozen Nipple trophy to go along with it. First time I've ever posted the word nipple... it ends here.
cdaiscool wrote
Roommate was outside with me last night while I cleaned the inside of the sprocket cover. She said "Nobody's going to see that you know...."
She just doesn't understand.
But it make's ya fill "O" so good
1977 CB750 F2 Super Sport
Native American from central Cal, Kickstand UP in S.W.Missouri,