Have a few excess items from my build. All parts are in solid condition-few cosmetic issues will list specifics upon interest. Can phone/email pics when requested. Make an offer! I plan to check ebay to cross check prices ; ) This is my fund for a sweet new 4-1 exhaust
-79 cb750 LE tank with cap and latch
-79 cb750 LE side cover with 10th anni emblem
-79 cb750 K side cover with emblem
-79 cb750 rear fender with tail light
-79 cb750 instrument panel
Fits 79 cb750, non original 2-up seat (FAT AND COMFY)
4-2 exhaust headers and mufflers
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
Where are you located?
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals
My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
How much for the side covers?
I was thinking 50 for the pair. 1 great le model and 1 k model
On May 1, 2013 12:28 PM, "maxx [via Honda CB750'S]" < [hidden email]> wrote:
How much for the side covers?
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
Hello Montana,
I have interest in the instrument panel.
I have a 79' 750 L,
mine works except for odometer. Does everything work?
How many miles on it and what kind of shape?
I also need the left side panel but understand they come as a set.
Interested in your tank, could you post a pic?
Blake, I believe the panel is properly working, the guy I bought it from had been riding it and never mentioned it being broken. It has 30,000 miles, the only problem is the 'chrome' ring along the left side had snapped and slid up inside. Also I'm fine splitting up the covers, I think $15 is fair for the cover? And $50 for the panel? I tried to price it on ebay and found $80, $160, and $35 lol..I will of course refund your money if it isn't up to par, or something doesn't work right on it. Keep in mind I did cut all wires off the back at 6" or so.

79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
 This side has the blemishes, the other side is cleaner, and the vinyl striping on the top is peeled/faded off near the rear.
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
Tank looks great -perhaps too nice for my purposes (looking for a temp while I do some work on mine).
How much are you asking for it?
I'm looking for $100 plus shipping. I do have 1 guy ahead of you for it, just need to get him a shipping quote today-I can get one for you too if you'd like.
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
H Plaidapus,
Thanks for your response.....
The speedo looks good, I imagine I can turn the RPM gauge to get it to line up vertically, and the chrome ring is no issue. I have to consider the chopped wires though..... Otherwise it looks good.....
The side cover I seek is the 10th Aniv limited one, left side..... is that one you have in good shape?
On May 7, 2013, at 7:53 AM, Plaidapus [via Honda CB750'S] wrote: Blake, I believe the panel is properly working, the guy I bought it from had been riding it and never mentioned it being broken. It has 30,000 miles, the only problem is the 'chrome' ring along the left side had snapped and slid up inside. Also I'm fine splitting up the covers, I think $15 is fair for the cover? And $50 for the panel? I tried to price it on ebay and found $80, $160, and $35 lol..I will of course refund your money if it isn't up to par, or something doesn't work right on it. Keep in mind I did cut all wires off the back at 6" or so.

79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
Sorry, my left cover is the 750K model : ( So I think the wires have plenty of room to deal with splicing on the bench, not sure what kind of room/length you'd have if you tried on the bike. I'm still okay with sending it your way to check it out and refunding if you can't make it work. I'm going to running to the ups store to get some shipping quotes if you'd like one.
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
Thats a great idea, do see what it will ship for. Would have to ship back if it didnt work but hopefully all would. I am buying for odometer, really, the rest works well on mine....
Dont really want to butcher my old one for the plug, but I guess its all the same, it doesnt fully work either way.
I didnt mean to minimize the RPM being askew. Do you think that will just rotate back to normal? And I imagine the rest of the shell is good?
Thanks so much.....
On May 7, 2013, at 11:02 AM, Plaidapus [via Honda CB750'S] wrote: Sorry, my left cover is the 750K model : ( So I think the wires have plenty of room to deal with splicing on the bench, not sure what kind of room/length you'd have if you tried on the bike. I'm still okay with sending it your way to check it out and refunding if you can't make it work. I'm going to running to the ups store to get some shipping quotes if you'd like one. 79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
Took it down real quick, not sure about twisting the gauge, I think it's possible if you can pop the top of the gauge ring off. The bottom half of the shell has a small crack, about 1" but it doesn't really hinder anything. Comes apart and goes together real swell. Where would I be shipping to?
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
Took it down real quick, not sure about twisting the gauge, I think it's possible if you can pop the top of the gauge ring off. The bottom half of the shell has a small crack, about 1" but it doesn't really hinder anything. Comes apart and goes together real swell. Where would I be shipping to?
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
84092. Sandy Utah.
Been busy today, hence a slow response, and I also appreciate your time. Been working on getting valve shims right, which is no fun.
On May 7, 2013, at 1:28 PM, Plaidapus [via Honda CB750'S] wrote: Took it down real quick, not sure about twisting the gauge, I think it's possible if you can pop the top of the gauge ring off. The bottom half of the shell has a small crack, about 1" but it doesn't really hinder anything. Comes apart and goes together real swell. Where would I be shipping to?
 79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
Alright, so UPS quoted me $20 shipping for the panel. They also quoted me $80 on a tank that USPS quoted me about $30 if I found a box that fit it snuggly. So USPS could be lower for the panel, lol.
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
You know, from what everyone says, its hard to mess with these when you open them up.
Somehow RPM looks off and when I think on it, I am not sure how easily that can be fixed. They dont make these things easy to interchange parts, apparently.
I want to thank you but also release this for now, unless that tach can be readjusted easily. Thanks for working with me. I am a newbie around here, great to have the bike, one day will be riding vs. getting things for that, fixes.
Thanks again,
On May 7, 2013, at 4:17 PM, Plaidapus [via Honda CB750'S] wrote: Alright, so UPS quoted me $20 shipping for the panel. They also quoted me $80 on a tank that USPS quoted me about $30 if I found a box that fit it snuggly. So USPS could be lower for the panel, lol. 79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"
Yeah it is slightly skewed. No worries! And good luck with your build.
79 CB750 LE "Big Sky Belle"