81-82 F,K,C fork seal replacement

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81-82 F,K,C fork seal replacement

This procedure is done leaving the fork tubes in the triple tree .  May work on the 79,80, and 83 but I don't know.

- - Note : Make sure your motorcycle is on its center stand and properly supported , to the point of the front wheel being off the ground .

1 - Begin by releasing whatever air pressure might still be present in the forks .
2 - Remove the complete air valve from the right fork tube cap .
3 - Drain fork oil . Leave the drain bolts out .
4 - Loosen the fork case/tube retaining bolts at the bottom of the fork cases .
5 - Remove the front wheel , fender and brake calipers .
6 - Remove the loosened case retaining bolt from one of the cases . The case will drop to the lowest point of travel .
7 - Pry the wiper ( dust seal ) out of the case and push it up out of the way .
8 - Remove the seal retaining clip and wire it up under the wiper .
9 - Firmly grip the case , raise it to the top of its travel and begin tapping the case at the bottom of its travel , as in a slide hammer action . A fair amount of force is needed , depending on how tight the case slide insert ( guide ) is seated . This action is intended to dislodge the case insert , allowing the passage of the fork tube slide insert and the separation of the fork tube from its case .
10 - With the case in hand and free from its tube , remove the old seal and case insert .
- - Note : There is a Teflon like coating on the slide contact surfaces of both the case insert ( inside ) and the tube insert ( outside ) . Do not remove this while cleaning . A slight amount will more than likely be lost during step 9 , but not enough to affect the designed performance . This from the FSM : " Replace the slider and fork tube bushing if they are scored or worn enough so that the copper layer shows over more than 3/4 of the total surface ."
11 - Sanitize the case inside and out , making sure all landings ( case insert , seal , retaining clip and wiper ) and threaded holes are pristine .
12 - Remove the tube insert , clean it and its landing .
13 - Inspect the tube , insuring serviceable condition .
14 - Remove the old retaining clip and wiper from the tube and replace with new in the same order and rewire them up .
15 - Slip the new seal onto the tube , followed by the case insert .
16 - Reinstall the tube insert .
17 - The oil lock piece at the lower end of the lower tube seat can be held in place by applying a small amount of grease to its inside lip , before repositioning . Do so now .
18 - Slide the case over the tube , making sure the oil lock piece is properly seated in the case bottom ( Use the case not yet removed as a measure . The top edges of both cases must be level with each other. ) and then securing it with the case/tube retaining bolt . Just snug the bolt up nicely at this time . Final torque will be accomplished after the wheel is reinstalled .
- - Note : A special tool is required for the next two (2) steps . Any common slip joint pliers should do, as long as the handle ends fit into the space between the tube and case . One of the pliers handle ends needs to be squared and all edges rounded . The curve of the handles allows for sufficient access to the case insert and seal . In order to insure good contact with both insert and seal , in respective steps , slightly turn the handle , filling the space between the tube and case . This helps avoid slippage and damage . The pliers can now be used as a driver / punch by tapping the nose of the pliers with a hammer .
19 - Position the case insert over its landing and tap it into place , while rotating the case counter clockwise for easier access to varying contact points with each tap , using the special tool and a hammer . Initially , the insert will require a bit move force for insertion , due to it being expanded when out of its landing . The insert will be fully seated when its upper edge is level with the seal landing base .
20 - Slide the new seal down to the top of the case and lightly coat its outer surface ( the landing contact surface ) with oil . Repeat the insertion procedure used for the case insert . The seal will be properly seated when it rests on its landing base .
21 - Un-wire the seal retaining clip and install it in its landing .
22 - Repeat steps 6 through 21 on the other fork leg .
23 - Slide the new wipers down and start them into their landings . This is a snug fit and can be nicely finished with the rounded end of many tools . A rubber mallet is best . Insure that the case and wiper are not damaged if using too hard of a tool .
24 - Measure the FSM specified amount of 10w fork oil .
- - Note : An 18 inch long plastic or rubber 1/8" or 1/4" tube will be needed . Square one end of the tube so it will seal well at the case drain hole when pressed against the surrounding surface .Cut the other end at a slight angle to help eliminate a seal while on the oil bottle bottom .
25 - Place the angle cut end of the 18" tube in the 6 ounces of oil .
26 - Replace the right fork leg drain bolt , but only finger tight .
27 - Loosely place the nozzle of a shop vacuum over the right fork leg cap and turn the vacuum on . Insure that only enough suction to draw the oil from the bottle into the case and not all the way through the leg is present . Suction adjustment can be made by the looseness of the vacuum nozzle on the cap . Less is best , in this case . It may take a few minutes to completely draw all the oil in .
28 - Place the square cut end of the 18" tube firmly against the surrounding surface of the left case drain hole . Insure that the hollow of the tube aligns with the drain hole .
29 - Replace the drain bolt as soon as the 8 ounces of oil is in the case .
30 - Remove the right fork leg drain bolt and repeat steps 24 through 29 .
31 - Turn off shop vacuum .
32 - Torque fork leg drain bolts .
33 - Reinstall fender , wheel and brake calipers .
34 - Torque the fork case/tube retaining bolts at the bottom of the cases .
35 - Reinstall the air valve after insuring its sealing o-ring is serviceable and properly lubed .
36 - Adjust the fork air pressure and recap the air valve .
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!