Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

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Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

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This area is for tricks for doing certain repairs and write up for things like carb and break rebuilds.

Much of the dans mc stuff is older so keep that in mind. Most of it works pretty well but there is a picture of spark plugs and what they should look like, it is from 77 and so does not apply much since gas composition has changed. he also has bible verses scattered around. Just so you know. I have no problem with it I want people to be aware as I welcome anyone here, not just Christians.
If you know of other sites, let me know, I will add them.

Polishes that work good.

Speedy Metal Polish  (CBShannon)
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

 So this will be my first brake rebuild and it been successful so far but putting it together is still kinda weird. I took apart the front disc brake of my 1973 CB750 and I cant figure out if I am missing something. I got the piston in the caliper and put the small cap over it but the pad itself does not fasten to the piston. It does have a small screw on top but I feel like it does not have a function but to guide it throught the caliper. Does this pad just free float on the piston or is it somehow suppost to be fastened to the piston?
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Re: Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

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In reply to this post by Re-run
Headlight Visor - 

Dave Esch originally showed me this link, and i ended up buying it and installing on my bike, but it had lacked any sort of installation instruction. Although rather simple in design this thing was kind of a pain in the butt, and i had to make a few cuts to get it to fit my 750 headlight. I am rather bored at work today so i figured i would come up with a simple if not crude drawing to show how this thing went together.

(not an exact render)

my bike is a 82 cb750F, i don't know if the headlights are the same on these all, and i drew this from memory so the side screw may be on the opposite side; but hopefully this helps anyone who buys this and has a puzzled look on their face when they open it up.
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Re: Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

In reply to this post by gmoney
have never seen a pad attach to a piston before....
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Re: Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

In reply to this post by gmoney
Can you add a pic to your post. I do remember some Honda's having a screw on the top of the caliper. Some cx 500 Customs had them. The srew held a clip in place.
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Re: Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

In reply to this post by gmoney
Can you add a pic to your post. I do remember some Honda's having a screw on the top of the caliper. Some cx 500 Customs had them. The srew held a clip in place. I'll be watching for your reply.
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Re: Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

Sorry about the late reply- I have taken a picture of the old one I removed to show the screw. When I removed the old one there was no clip in place and in the schematics of all the manuals I have there is no mention of any other parts. I have also checked on the websites to order brake parts and all the other pieces are shown.

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Re: Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

Nope it is not what I was thinking of. Does your caliper have a slot of some type that the screw slides into? It would be a first for me hearing about a piston having a guide screw on it. What year and model is your 750? HMM try looking up replacement Pistons for your brake and see if it is on them. E Bay can be a good place to do research.
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Re: Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

Yes, there is a slot that this screw moves through. I have just never seen a pad just sit without a return spring or anything there. Do you think this pad just sits in this slot?
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Re: Repair tricks, write ups, and good products.

It depends on the way the system was made. Mine just sit in there with a small anti squeel peace of tin. This tin has an arrow on it that should point forward. the pads are small and almost square.