All right guys! this is my problem ^^^^ I'm trying to remove the drive chain and it has already had me sitting, pondering and thinking about how to do it until I gave up trying to do this on my own... So I am asking you for help!!!
Now its on an 81 CB 750k, the chain is not attached to the rear sprocket - only the front - and I have to say that I need more advice then just "roll it right off" because there is just no way... if you can see in the picture there is - what seems to be - a pin like stub right in front of the chain and slightly down and right. Also where you can see the hole for the screw it also blocks the chain from being "rolled out" now the last thing is I don't want to cut the chain so I am hoping if someone can bedazzle me with their motorcycle wisdom
The trials of life are experienced through the process of living not inside of books or on test sheets