81 cb750c carb ?

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81 cb750c carb ?

I just went through the carbs on my 81 cb 750 and I can not figure out where a hose goes/does.  It is in between carbs 2 and 3 on a T fitting  above the throttle shafts. Its not the fuel intake because that is inbetween carbs 3 and 4.  What is it for?  Does anybody have a clue?  I can try to post a picture if need be but I'm sure you guys know what it is!  Thanks!
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Re: 81 cb750c carb ?

one hose doesn't connenct to anything, its a breather line. It looks like a vacuum line 1/4 or so OD.
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Re: 81 cb750c carb ?

In reply to this post by dweber85rc
it is for over gas. It is not go any where. Just have pipe go out.