Hey guys, it's a new dawn.

Well, after cleaning the carbs, installing 75/110 jets, I took a shakedown ride
Bike ran great for maybe 15 minutes, then started to bog pretty good.
Looked down and the #1 was overflowing all over the place.
Got it home, pulled the float bowl, found nothing, put it back together
and poof, no leaking.

Back out on the road, throttle response was kinda lacking on the first 1/4 turn of the throttle.
Backed out the air screws under the carbs from 1 1/2 to 2 full turns out, much better.
Idle was wanting to climb, once or twice it stuck at almost 2 grand.
Backed off the idle knob under the carbs, they went right down to maybe 800rpm
sitting in neutral. yes yes yes.

Close call on this one, notice the screw I broke off getting to the acc pump.
Thought I had it with an ez out, but I guess I took too much meat out of the remaining
threads. The ez out ended up just smashing what was left into the threaded hole of the carb.
Arrowhead Machine, right down the street from me, Victor had a set of german metric taps.
Said they cost him 300 bucks, rarely uses them, and fixed me right up.
Charged me 5 bucks, gave him 10.
Todays Monday, paid the monster electric bill last Friday (effin heatpump), I'm taking
off and going riding, screw reality for a bit.

later guys....gradoooooooooooooooooo