A sad day here in San Diego...

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A sad day here in San Diego...

Rusty Spokes
San Diego Chapter president of The Mighty Black Sabbath Motorcycle Club Nation known by his motorcycling nickname, “Wild Dogg” died last night. This is one M.C. here in San Diego with riders that don't only ride Harley's, but also modified vintage Kawasakis and other bike's. I hung out with them back when I had my CB550SS and they where a blast to ride with! So to hear this happen was unexpected and very sad. R.I.P. "WILD DOG" http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/47399112/ns/local_news-san_diego_ca/
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Re: A sad day here in San Diego...

sad thing here, too. last weekend a 54 yearold rider was hit and killed. in twn, middle Saturday pm. wife also injured.

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