AZ 750F

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AZ 750F

Hello. New guy here. Just got a 1981 cb750f to play with. I've been out of bikes for about 25 years so I'll have a lot of learning/re-learning to do. This looks like a great site. Thanks. I'll try to do some poking around to get acclimated. If there are any specific FAQ's or "new guy" threads I should be pointed towards, I'd appreciate it.

Time to go search and read.
In the meantime here is my $900 acquisition.

1981 CB750F
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Re: AZ 750F

Very nice platform to start on!
Main thing to get soon is the manual. It is normally available here but the hosting sites are finicky and so I will be moving them to a new one maybe even tomorrow during some down time.
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!
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Re: AZ 750F

Thanks. That will be a big help. Right now what she really needs is a bucket of cleaning supplies and some elbow grease. It looks good at a distance, but up close it's more obviously a 30 year old bike.
1981 CB750F
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Re: AZ 750F

Kirk Creswick
In reply to this post by Re-run
I found a manual online at the City of Phoenix library
There are three paths to knowlege:
Imitation is the easiest
Reflection is the noblest
Experience is the bitterest
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Re: AZ 750F

We got it right here!
The ride IS the adventure. The destination is just to get gas!