Alternative Alternator Parts

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Alternative Alternator Parts

Hi! It's me, again. My '81 CB750 C runs like a dream now. Carbs are rebuilt, Turnsignal switch is in place, spark generators are in and timed. Thanks for all your advice, fellerz! I now have one last hurdle.

During the overheat event I aparently cooked my alternator pretty good. It no work no more. I have no power coming from it. The insulating resins are cooked up pretty good. I am discovering that as soon as I say 750 C the price of parts goes up and the availability goes down. So, I once again look to your greater experience and knowledge.

What substitutions can be made regarding stators and rotors? By this I mean, can I use parts from other honda models and/or model years? Are there cost effective aftermarket options available? I'm guessing I can use parts from the other CB models but I'd like a little more brain juice on the subject.

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Re: Alternative Alternator Parts

ricks electrics or race tech. i have racetech equipment in my bike and it works great and a good price as well check honestyintegrityalways on ebay for some good deals. thats who i ordered from. they had AWESOME shipping times and good service across the board