Hey all, so apparently my carbs are leaking again, I think I have narrowed it down to my accelerator pump. Every time I twist the throttle I hear a little spurt noise, and after a few twists of the throttle it starts dripping onto the starter cover. Can anyone tell me if I order this kit will that take care of the problem, or is there a rebuild kit for the accelerator pump that I need to order? All seals on the bowls have been replaced, the o rings on the fuel rail have been replaced, its just like I said, engine off I twist the throttle and I hear a little spurt noise, then it drips. Its been getting worse over the last few days. Heres the kit, and thanks for any advice.
I know enough to get me in trouble.
1981 Yamaha XS650 Special(current cafe, code name El Diablo Rojo)
1981 CM400C, completed project (code name Home Wrecker)
1981 CB750K, completed project (code name Winter Blues)
SOLD 9-21-2013 gone but certainly not forgotten.
2009 USA Choppers Bad Boy, rigid frame custom chopper.
you can find a cheaper K&L accel. pump than that. I think i usually see em for 20+5 for shipping. It sounds sort of like the floats are stuck or something? Do you have the adjustable floats or the plastic ones? If they're adjustable did you adjust them?
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
The floats are plastic, and I just checked them all when I replaced all the needles and seats last week lol. The pump was leaking before that though, its just getting worse is all. Where can I locate one of those kits you are talking about, and would that take care of it, or like I said is there a rebuild kit I would have to buy? Thanks for the reply!
I know enough to get me in trouble.
1981 Yamaha XS650 Special(current cafe, code name El Diablo Rojo)
1981 CM400C, completed project (code name Home Wrecker)
1981 CB750K, completed project (code name Winter Blues)
SOLD 9-21-2013 gone but certainly not forgotten.
2009 USA Choppers Bad Boy, rigid frame custom chopper.
Here it is for $15. http://www.siriusconinc.com/pro-detail.php?pid=&product_id=1110Can you see where in the carb it's dripping from?
The accelerator pump is on carb 2. Have you taken the accel pump off and had a look at it? I would do that before ordering a new part. If the diaphram is torn or has any pinholes then get a new one.
If the pump is working perfectly then it will spray gas into the throat of the carbs. Maybe you're leaking gas from somewhere else as a result of the gas being sprayed correctly by the accel pump?
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals
My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.
I havent pulled it off yet, but I will pull it and inspect it. Im pretty sure thats where its leaking from, Ive replaced just about all of the seals, and o rings on all 4 carbs. Like I said when I twist the throttle with the bike off, it makes a spurt sound and if Im looking at the carbs from the left side when I do it, its coming from the accelerator pump. Inspecting it before I order parts though is sound advice, I was just really hoping I wouldnt have to pull the carbs again lol.
I know enough to get me in trouble.
1981 Yamaha XS650 Special(current cafe, code name El Diablo Rojo)
1981 CM400C, completed project (code name Home Wrecker)
1981 CB750K, completed project (code name Winter Blues)
SOLD 9-21-2013 gone but certainly not forgotten.
2009 USA Choppers Bad Boy, rigid frame custom chopper.
oh! what about the small o ring on the #2 carb. there should be one where the bowl meets the carb body
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
Well I pulled the carbs again last night and inspected the accelerator pump. Didnt appear to have any pin holes and didnt appear to be too worn. Alot of fuel all over the place though because of removing the carbs so it was hard to see exactly where its coming from. I tightened down all the screws on everything, bowls, and pump and I manually moved the throttle linkage, could still hear the spurting sound but couldnt really tell if it was still leaking or not. Im guessing Im gonna have to put them back on, let the bowls fill up and move the throttle linkage again. Im probably going to just replace the pump diaphram while I already have them off though, save me the trouble later. As for the little o ring on the number two bowl, Johnny I think you might have just hit upon the one that I havent replaced! If you could maybe show me a pic of which one you are talking about I can check it while I have the carbs off! Thanks again for all the replies and advice!
I know enough to get me in trouble.
1981 Yamaha XS650 Special(current cafe, code name El Diablo Rojo)
1981 CM400C, completed project (code name Home Wrecker)
1981 CB750K, completed project (code name Winter Blues)
SOLD 9-21-2013 gone but certainly not forgotten.
2009 USA Choppers Bad Boy, rigid frame custom chopper.
That little o ring is easy to lose.
Also, you don't have to put the carbs back onto the bike to fill them full of fuel. No reason why you can't just put fuel in them off the bike. Just keep them away from open flames and dispose of properly. Sent from my BlackBerry device
Well I pulled the carbs again last night and inspected the accelerator pump. Didnt appear to have any pin holes and didnt appear to be too worn. Alot of fuel all over the place though because of removing the carbs so it was hard to see exactly where its coming from. I tightened down all the screws on everything, bowls, and pump and I manually moved the throttle linkage, could still hear the spurting sound but couldnt really tell if it was still leaking or not. Im guessing Im gonna have to put them back on, let the bowls fill up and move the throttle linkage again. Im probably going to just replace the pump diaphram while I already have them off though, save me the trouble later. As for the little o ring on the number two bowl, Johnny I think you might have just hit upon the one that I havent replaced! If you could maybe show me a pic of which one you are talking about I can check it while I have the carbs off! Thanks again for all the replies and advice!
I know enough to get me in trouble.
1981 CB750K, current project (code name Winter Blues)
2009 USA Choppers Bad Boy, rigid frame custom chopper.
1981 CB750K with 900 cams
90K KM's, rebuilt head, rebuilt carbs, upgraded valve stem seals
My wife's recipe website that I'm trying to help promote: Strawberries for supper. Yes, I am a lucky man.
Please answer that question.
"Was the O ring between the carb body and the float bowl around that check valve in place?"
On a Roadstar Adventure.
Lucky Im not sure which o ring you guys are talking about. I pulled the bowl off today, replaced the accelerator pump diaphram, checked the bowl gasket, it was good, and the only other o ring I could see was a little boot looking thing that came in the pump kit and had to be trimmed down to size. That was in place, and I replaced that along with the diaphram and spring. Put it all back together and its still leaking. I dont know if the bowl gasket it off a bit or what, but I didnt see any other o rings in or around the #2 bowl. If anyone has a pic of which one you guys are talking about, it would greatly help me in answering that question! Thanks for the replies.
I know enough to get me in trouble.
1981 Yamaha XS650 Special(current cafe, code name El Diablo Rojo)
1981 CM400C, completed project (code name Home Wrecker)
1981 CB750K, completed project (code name Winter Blues)
SOLD 9-21-2013 gone but certainly not forgotten.
2009 USA Choppers Bad Boy, rigid frame custom chopper.
Here is a couple of photos from the internet.
When you type words into the search engine (Google) you can then click on IMAGES instead of WEB results and see a photo from every online forum that talks about that issue.

On a Roadstar Adventure.
Well I finally had a chance to get back on the wrenches tonight and took the number two bowl off and lo and behold that o ring that Lucky and Johnny were talking about was MIA. Of course the one I need is not in any of my rebuild kits lol so its off to the honda shop tomorrow. Thanks again for the info guys, and Lucky did I detect a hint of sarcasm there in your relpy? Its all good though lol its how I learn, and I always appreciate a little sarcasm! Thanks again guys, hopefully tomorrow she is all back together and not leaking anymore!
I know enough to get me in trouble.
1981 Yamaha XS650 Special(current cafe, code name El Diablo Rojo)
1981 CM400C, completed project (code name Home Wrecker)
1981 CB750K, completed project (code name Winter Blues)
SOLD 9-21-2013 gone but certainly not forgotten.
2009 USA Choppers Bad Boy, rigid frame custom chopper.
Yup! Of course it isn't... My friend ordered a 100 pack for the both of us haha. I think sees posted a link on my build thread somewhere about it... It's a 901
1981 SS with Kerker 4-1 exhaust and extremely attractive rider.
Well for two bucks and a little sweet talking to the clerk at the honda shop Im back on the road, and the carbs are leak free for now. She told me I would have to buy the entire gasket kit for that o ring, and it was 49. I turned on the charm and scored the o ring for two bucks lol. Now that my carbs appear to be all sealed up for now, the oil is leaking out of the bottom lol. I just cant win! Thanks for the help guys, its appreciated!
I know enough to get me in trouble.
1981 Yamaha XS650 Special(current cafe, code name El Diablo Rojo)
1981 CM400C, completed project (code name Home Wrecker)
1981 CB750K, completed project (code name Winter Blues)
SOLD 9-21-2013 gone but certainly not forgotten.
2009 USA Choppers Bad Boy, rigid frame custom chopper.