Are You having difficulty using your GPS or SmartPhone with Gloves on??

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Are You having difficulty using your GPS or SmartPhone with Gloves on??

I rarely post  any sort of endorsement of products unless someone specifically asks but this is just too good to not share. I have been battling not being able to easily use my smartphone or GPS while wearing riding gloves. They just won't work, ESPECIALLY in the cold. I have found gloves that have a Capacitive finger tip, but they are pricey & I already own a few pair of gloves. Well I found this on Ebay form a seller called hightechnologydeals. Capacitive Stickers for glove when using Touch Screen  The seller sells them in packs of 4 & 12 & THEY WORK LIKE A CHARM!!! They are cloth & the adhesive is very good. Seller ships very fast. I ordered them on the 1st they arrived today!

Here are a few links if you need to get yourself hooked up.


1981 CB750K

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Re: Are You having difficulty using your GPS or SmartPhone with Gloves on??

Maybe its just me, but the girl in the video sounds cute.
Somehow I find these stickers strangely attractive now
The best things in life are custom
1980 cb750f SS
Chicago, IL
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Re: Are You having difficulty using your GPS or SmartPhone with Gloves on??

She sounds cute, but I found it somewhat amusing how she went through demonstrating all the apps you can use on your phone with the sticker.  I get it, you can interact with a touchscreen now.  But, can you make a call?? She didn't demonstrate that!
1978 CB750F Super Sport
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Re: Are You having difficulty using your GPS or SmartPhone with Gloves on??

the stickers work really good. actually you can make phone calls w/o any problems. i keep my phone velcroed to the top of the tank and I'm able to make phone calls and do whatever I need to do. the stickers work fantastic

1981 CB750K
