Buzzing noise coming from cylinder

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Buzzing noise coming from cylinder


Not sure what they call this, but i tried turning on my bike and it kept flicking on and off. I traced the wire wiggled the cylinder and became little more stable. Everytime I'd try to start the bike, it shut off. After a few more wiggles the cylinder started buzzing. Needless to say, does it need to be replaced?

Thanks for the advice.
'82 HONDA CB750F
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Re: Buzzing noise coming from cylinder

That's your turn signal relay, or flasher. I'm not sure about how it's doing what you're saying, but that's what it is.
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Re: Buzzing noise coming from cylinder

In reply to this post by bagoony
Looks like a flash relay to me. If you disconnect it, the bike should still run but no signal lights. About $12 replaces it.
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Re: Buzzing noise coming from cylinder

In reply to this post by bagoony
Thanks everyone. Helpful as always :)
'82 HONDA CB750F