3 posts
I need some help with my bike. Its an 81 honda cb750c. I picked it up cheap needing carb work so I bought kits and stuck them in and thoroughly cleaned all of the passages and blew them out with liberal ammounts of carb cleaner. I also put new CDI modules and spark plugs in it. Here is the problem. It will start SUPER easy and rev up like a dream(other than having the normal noise from the cam chain, but I havn't gotten to adjusting it yet). But it will not idle properly. When it is cold I can almost get it to idle halfways good at 1500 rpms. But then after it warms up, I can only get it to idle at 3k rpms. It revs up wonderfully smooth with no hesitation or backfiring. But it will only idle at around 3k rpms. Throttle is closing properly, cables are not sticking. As soon as I start to back off the idle adjustment screw it by maybe 1/8 -1/4 turn it will drop in rpms and quit running. I've been told that is the intake boots creating vaccum leaks and sucking in extra air, but I've sprayed starting fluid all around the intake boots and I didn't detect any noticible difference in rpms like a normal vaccum leak would. They are a little hard, but it looks like the carbs are fully seated. I can't afford to take it in to a shop at this point and I am at my wits end because I can sell it and still probably get my money out of it and hate to keep sticking money into it. But if it something simple, cheap and easy well then I'll do it because I think otherwise its in good shape and I think it could be a good bike for a few years yet. I've got a haynes manual for it, but it isn't much help other than specs and I'm still pretty new to working on bikes.