Carbs issue or ...?

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Carbs issue or ...?

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I started the bike up today and found out  there's just number 1 cylinder is working the other 3 were cold. I checked the coil wires first , 3 of them showed 4.8 ohm except #1 is 5.2 ohm . I switched the wires and they seemed to be working fine . I pulled the carbs off the bike and found 2 of the rubber plugs are swimming in the bowls ( I also cleaned the carbs ) They don't stay in their places tight . I thought it might be the problem that too much gas is going in engine or something ells is not working right !?
and also one of the mixture screw O rings is damaged so already ordered the part .
Assembly of a Japanese bicycle require great peace of mind.
" Zen and the Art of Motorcycle "
1981 Honda cb750 C
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Re: Carbs issue or ...?

The rubber plugs you found swimming, do you mean the ones that cap that pilot jet off?

If those are loose you might just need to give the carbs a good once over. If those are what I think they are you're bike can't get fuel to idle with those off.
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Re: Carbs issue or ...?

These guys
Assembly of a Japanese bicycle require great peace of mind.
" Zen and the Art of Motorcycle "
1981 Honda cb750 C
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Re: Carbs issue or ...?

Yep. That's what I thought you meant. Do you have all four of them? Do they fit nice and snug?

You might be able to get by with a basic clean,adjust and reassemble.
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Re: Carbs issue or ...?

2 of them fit nicely but other 2 don't , so already ordered a set of 4 , i cleaned the carbs and bench synched them 2 days ago and as soon as i reassemble and put them back on the bike will synch them more properly with carb synchronizer , hope they are gonna work with no hassle .it's about right time here in Brooklyn to get her running and enjoy the weather
Assembly of a Japanese bicycle require great peace of mind.
" Zen and the Art of Motorcycle "
1981 Honda cb750 C