MAN i had the same problem same bike everything, what u need is to do a little ready on how to use a multi meter and realistly if u thought u would benfit from an ownersmanul u could learn how to use a multi meter, this is what the problem could be either the rectifier or the stator/router, trust me i went though like all splices in my bike thinking i got the issue and its always miss leading.
start by re charging the batt its most likely not the battery, but there are ways of testing batts which i dont know, but when the bike is started u take the leads of your multi meter and hold them on each post of the batt and even if you get somthing like 13 to 16 volts it dosnt always mean its providing a constant charge to the a battery.
in the manual there will be a process on testing the rectifier and checking resistances of all the leads one by one and that will rule out your rectifier, where my problem was and most likely yours and im sure people will back you up u need to check the router, the stator when u pull off the cover you will be able to check them both, and i believe its on the right side engine cover, when u check the stator and everything looks good the last thing u need to do is check the router and this is how

thoes copper lines are called "SLIP RINGS" there are also two leads on the engine cover to check to make sure they arnt worn past the scribe line, if u read 0 ohms on the two slips rings YOU NEED A NEW ROUTER AND U ALSO NEED SOMETHING CALLED A STATOR PULLER, u can find a used router for a dine a dozen from old biks shopes or on ebay there nothing you will need the stator puller to take it out,
the only thing i can say is before you loose your fucking mind testing leads and random splices like i did test the main components first ! u will find the fault i will personally walk u thought it becasue theres nothing worse in knowing your rolling around on a bike on borrowed time ....
good luck let me know if u need any more claifrication