Clutch cover clearance Issue

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Clutch cover clearance Issue

Hello all!  My first post.  I bought a 1978 CB750K off of a kid in my town for cheap with a blown out clutch cover.  Found the springs were waay to tall and replaced them and the cover.  Bike ran fine until i rode it around in a parking garage and heard a rattling noise which I discovered only happened in neutral....So I drove it home and dove in...a month ago.

I put all back together reverse order and when I started it back up it was a grinding.  Insert favorite cuss phrase here and take apart again.  When I pulled the outer cover (begin cringing) there was aluminum dust on EVERYTHING and I found that a small "boss" on the clutch cover contacted the inner clutch Hub (splines to the steel discs).  Pulled the inner clutch hub out and saw no obstruction behind it, put hub back on w no discs in it and it felt like it seated correctly against the splined washer, reassembled clutch w plates and place inner clutch hub on, again, felt like it was seating correctly however, on both occasions, I noticed the splines on the tranny input shaft were not sitting close to flush with the face of the inner clutch hub where the washer goes, my guess maybe .100" out.  Did something move?  Am I doing this wrong?  I am a seasoned mechanic with a manual, and I am scratching my head.  Please help, it's beautiful out, i'm suffering ;)

Pics coming as soon as I can find my phone :)
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Re: Clutch cover clearance Issue

Ya I'd like pics of this one before commenting. I would also need to trfer to a manual on this myself since I have not dug into my clutch yet. My SS needs a clutch cable and if it is in gear and i pull the clutch handle it will not roll at all so I believe it needs clutch work myself.